Low Carb Rich Protein Bread


Smart Art Nutrition by Sofi Delli


110 gr  low fat almond flour

20 gr   flour made from bamboo fibers 

15 gr low fat flour made from linseed

35 gr psyllium 

8 gr baking powder

8 gr salt

26 gr white egg from eight eggs

2 tbsp lemon juice

250 ml boiled water

7gr dry yeast

1ts honey


Prepare a small loaf pan by lining it with non-stick baking paper.

Weigh and mix well all the solid ingredients of the recipe.

Boil the water.

In a basin, briefly beat the egg whites with the lemon juice until foamy (not meringue).

After you've prepared the recipe's solid ingredients, gently warm 50 ml of water (it should be lukewarm, not hot, so the yeast doesn't burn) and stir in the honey and yeast.

The mixture will have activated and puffed up after 10 minutes


Combine the solid ingredients with the egg whites by beating for a while with the mixer and gradually add the hot water.

As soon as the water is absorbed from the mixture, stop the beating and leave the dough aside for half an hour, covered.


After you've prepared the recipe's solid ingredients, gently warm 50 ml of water (it should be lukewarm, not hot, so the yeast doesn't burn) and stir in the honey and yeast.

The mixture will have activated and puffed up after 10 minutes.


After half an hour, preheat the oven to 180°C.

Place the dough in the baking form and score 2-3 times on the surface.

Optionally sprinkle with sesame or bamboo flour and bake for 60 - 70 minutes.

After baking, remove the form from the oven but leave the bread for another 10 minutes inside it.

Then take it out, place it on a wire rack and do not cut it until it has completely cooled.


Preheat the oven to 180°C after 30 minutes.

Place the dough in the baking form and score the surface 2-3 times.

Bake for 60-70 minutes, optionally sprinkled with sesame or bamboo flour.

Remove the form from the oven after baking, but leave the bread inside for another 10 minutes.

Then take it out, place it on a wire rack, and wait until it has completely cooled before cutting it.

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