Smart Art Nutrition by Sofi Delli


Weight loss, as unusual as it sounds, begins in the head. First, you must believe it and really wish it. With suitable psychology, you are able to reduce your thirst and teach your organism to ask for less food. It's essential to develop a tailored dietary routine for yourself and boost your resolve to stick to it. And, like with everything else, endurance is critical to success.

 Here are five ways that a healthy diet can improve your mental health.

Improves mood

Optimism and improved mood lead to increased creativity, efficiency, and energy. Iron, folic acid, and thiamine are essential nutrients that are inextricably linked with mood. Iron, in particular, aids in mood stabilization. Iron-rich foods, such as meat, broccoli, seafood, and egg yolks, boost our energy. To maintain a positive mood, it is recommended to limit foods such as sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and processed cereals


Increases energy

When eating a healthy diet becomes a daily habit, efficiency and energy levels rise. Harvard Medical School experts recommend a well-balanced diet rich in unprocessed carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, with a focus on vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, yogurt, and low-fat cheese provide a quick energy boost at any time of day. Adequate water consumption, as well as moderate caffeine and sugar consumption, aid in energy management.


Reduces the chances of depression

According to research, a lack of vitamin B12, iron, and calcium is frequently to blame for mild cases of depression and anxiety. In a study published by the National Institutes of Health on the relationship between diet and mental disorders, the researchers stated: "Better observe the diet of patients with depression, it is noteworthy that their diet is inadequate."

In a study on the relationship between diet and mood published in 2016, researchers discovered that a high glycemic index diet can cause symptoms of depression and exhaustion. A glycemic index diet contains a lot of processed carbohydrates, such as those found in soft drinks, sweets, white bread, and biscuits. Vegetables, fruits, and nuts, on the other hand, have a lower glycemic index.


Enhances cognitive function

 A nutritious diet can help prevent dementia and mental decline. According to a 2015 study on the effect of exercise and diet on cognitive function, the following nutrients and foods protect the brain: vitamin D, C & E, omega-3fatty acids, flavonoids and polyphenols, and fish.


Increases self-esteem

A healthy diet is the first step toward a healthy body image. Our bodies are the foundation of our self-esteem. Because the mind and body are one, the smooth, coordinated function of body parts and brain chemistry lay the groundwork for an innate sense of well-being.


A healthy diet can help us overcome difficulties when we are looking for a way to improve our mood, find more energy, reduce mild depression or stress, gain stronger mental abilities, and feel good about ourselves. and live a more full, happier, and complete life.

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