Get Summer-Ready:10 easy ways to boost your fitness

Smart and Art Nutrition by Delli Creations 

summer fit

1. Eat fresh and delicious salads. Summer is ideal and offers many choices for preparing nutritive and tasteful salads by combining seasonal vegetables with lean proteins such as baked chicken and low-fat cheese. In addition, you can add healthy sauce with yogurt or olive oil mixed with mustard and lemon juice
stunning salads

2. Choose fresh fruits: Fruits can satisfy your desire for a sweet taste and simultaneously feed you with vitamins and other essential elements and boosting your energy because of their high concentration in carbs. Combine fruits with yogurt, honey and pieces of dark chocolate for a delicious alternative dessert.

yogurt with fruits 

3. Include lean proteins in each meal if it is possible. Opt for meat, chicken egg, fish, and cheese,  with low fat concentration. Try to intake protein in each meal.

4. Avoid processed food intake: These foods have been altered from their original state to another type of food by canning, freezing, cooking, or using another procedure. Sometimes processed foods are beneficial and more nutritious as vitamins, proteins, and trace elements have been added to them, but many times include harmful ingredients such as additives, preservatives, colors, sugar and so on. It's recommended to read the labels and eat them in moderation and instead of them opt for unprocessed natural products.

5. Control the size of portions. Even though a a meal is healthy, doesn't mean a lack of calories. Opt for small portions as monitoring portions helps you practice mindful eating, prevents overeating, doesn't burden your digestive system and encourages you to listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues.

6. Consume beneficial carbs rich in fibers that keep your energy levels high, boost your energy, hinder constipation, and help stabilize your blood sugar levels. You can consume these carbs by eating foods made from whole-grain wheat, oats, and potatoes.

7. Don't feel deprived but try to feel full every moment, so don't skip meals or snacks and follow your heart concerning the flavor. A variety of healthy food is available, ready to satisfy the desire for a sweet or a savory option 

8. Avoid eating fried food or delicacies, opt for baking on the appropriate device, and replace the traditional burdening delicacies with delicious healthy snacks

9. Maximizing your daily hydration, will help you to improve your health and stay active.   Hydration can include, water and drinks such as tea and juices but avoid sugary ones.

10. The optimal number of meals is recommended to be four to five. Although specific goals and needs, such as muscle gain, stomach disorders may require different meals and snacks. Daily obligations and individual specificities require adaptation and personalization of each diet to achieve good and long-term results.


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