The power of snacks

General information

A healthy and nutritious diet plan supports eating five times a day, (breakfast, tithe, lunch, afternoon and dinner) and in particular, two meals and three snacks. Snacks play a key role in our daily nutrition and contribute to achieving our targets, which may be losing weight, gaining weight, enhancing the muscular system, reducing fat and so on.

Consequently, it's not enough to pay attention just to the main meals but also to intermittent snacks.

The right choice of snacks complements the intake of basic nutrients and mitigates hunger, so it's easier to limit eating a great amount of food during meals, which satisfies us and makes us feel full.

It's important to include snacks that contain proteins and the basic elements to have a variety of snacks during the day and a week to not get bored and to intake more nutrients.

I propose the following snacks, but of course, you're free to change them and also make

your combinations.

Bread-based snacks


Sandwich with whole wheat bread, low-fat cheese, smoked salmon and avocado.

Arabic pita or whole grain tortilla, low-fat or cottage cheese, turkey and cucumber.

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Snacks that contain fruits

fruits and nuts
Apple or banana with almonds or walnuts

Smoothie with forest fruits, yogurt and a little honey.

Low-fat yogurt with a little honey and nuts.


Snacks that contain eggs


Omelette with spinach and feta cheese.

Omelette with fat-free cheese and turkey.

Omelette with mushrooms, peppers, tomato and feta cheese.



peanut butter and honey
Peanut butter with whole grain crepe

Cake made from flour without carbs

Tortilla with honey, cinnamon and almonds

Milk with whole grain cereals, dark chocolate and honey


Other snacks

yogurt-pop corn - cereal bars
Yogurt with fruits and nuts

Pop corn

Gel with fruits and nuts

Cereal bars


The above snacks are easy-prepared, it’s recommended to eat them according to your psychology and mood. Feeling the desire for crunchy food opt for two caps of pop-corn, wanting a sweet opt for a whole grain bread with peanut butter and honey.

Switching these types of small meals during a day and a week will raise your psychological state and provides you with the essential elements.

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