Organic farming

General principles of organic farming

organic farming

Organic farming refers to how farmers grow and process their produce. 
Organic foods are produced under specific, stringent specifications outlined in the relevant legislation for their production, processing, and marketing. 

Organic farmers rely on milder methods of agriculture such as crop rotation (rotating plants for harvest), crop residues, fallow, animal manure (manure), and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity, enrich it with plant nutrients, and control weeds. , insects and pests.

The integrity of water and soil is preserved as result of these traditional agricultural practices

Organic farming and health

Organic food contains up to 50% more nutrients than conventionally grown food, according to a new research. Studies have shown a higher concentration of vitamin C in organic green leafy vegetables and organic potatoes

The benefits of organic food include the following.

Organic food is free of the various chemical substances found in pesticides.
These substances may exist in trace amounts in conventional foods, but they have the potential to cause a variety of problems in the human body.

In general, organic food is more quantitative in comparison to other compatible food

They stimulate the senses because they have a more delicious and natural flavor and odor.

Organic farming is beneficial to the environment,  as it contributes to the preservation of natural resources, mitigates the phenomenon of climate change and in general protects nature.

So, all categories of food such as proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and so on have more nutritional value and offer multiple benefits such as shielding our organisms more than conventional products. Try to consume a variety of foods that have high-quality, delicious flavorss and offer organisms the essential elements 

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